Having the colour of blood - characterized by abundance and active circulation of blood - anticipating the best - not despondent - confident - full of hope // blood colour - red - bloodstone - red crayon // to stain with blood - to impart the colour of blood to - to ensanguine.
All the artworks on this website are protected under international copyright law and may not be used for any purpose without the permission of the copyright holder. If you wish to use any of the images, please contact me.
Curriculum Vitae
°1968: Born in Lier, Belgium °1993: Medical Degree, Antwerp University, Belgium °Tropical Medicine in Indonesia, Cambodia and Uganda °1999: Special Degree in Hematology, Antwerp University, Belgium °1986 – 1993: Art Studies in Antwerp (Graphic and Computer Design, Life Figure Drawing and Painting) °2005: Part of multidisciplinary Archeology Team in Sagalassos, Turkey (University of Leuven, Belgium) °Professional Member of the ‘European Association of Medical and Scientific Illustrators’ (AEIMS) °Board Member of the Belgian Hematological Society (BHS) °Active Member of the European Hematology Society (EHA)
Exhibitions · Annual AEIMS Conferences in Cambridge (UK 1995), Paris (France 1996), Bologna (Italy 1997), Lausanne (Switzerland 1998), Oxford (UK 1999 – 50th Anniversary of the Medical Artists Association of Great Britain), Maastricht (The Netherlands 2000), Paris (France 200), Manchester (UK 2002), Leiden (The Netherlands 2003), Bondo (Switzerland 2004), Bologna (Italy 2005), Manchester (UK 2006) · Organiser 'Confronting Mortality with Art and Science', October 18-20, 2007, Antwerp Zoological Society, Antwerp, Belgium · 1998: Price of the City of Antwerp for the book with etchings ‘In Volle Strijd vloeit er Bloed - Blood will flow in every Battle.’ An educational book about Immunology.
Publications · Philips Cochlear Implant Technology (1998) · Book 'Confronting Mortality with Art and Science' (VUB Press 2007) · Poster about Multiple Myeloma (Janssen-Cilag, Belgium 2009)